

As an alternative to the software we have created, we have decided to expand our range of provided services by introducing translation services of CAD and CAT documentation, as well as exporting and importing texts from DXF and DWG formats to MS Excel, XLIFF files, etc.

Both of the new services are supported by a reliable software called muldrato©, which serves for translating technical documentation. This software ensures high quality of translated images („Trusted DWG” status).

If only a few images are to be translated, or if you prefer to outsource the entire work, we recommend you our services. All you need to do is send us images and we will translate them for you.

Below we present two versions of the new service:

I. Muldrato

  • Full translation service covering DXF/DWG files.
  • Translating texts extracted from images by means of Muldrato tool.
  • Saving texts as a Translation Memory with the view to using them again in future projects (repeated phrases will not require translation).
  • Optimisation of the list of texts prepared for translation in order to reduce the costs of translation (removing numbers, repetitions, etc.)
  • Translated images are available in source format as well as PDF format.
  • New language version is saved as a new language layer ensuring one can easily switch from the original version to the translation.
  • Automatic substitution of missing fonts.
  • Image standardisation.

Translate your images with us!

Ask for the price*

The price depends on the number of images, characters with spaces and a selected combination of languages ​​(source and target language).


II. Exporting/importing text from an image

If you want to translate the text embedded in an image yourself, contact us!

Due to the great popularity of muldrato© tool among translators, we have decided to include exporting and importing text from images in DXF and DWG formats in the range of our services permanently. On client’s request, we will export the text from images into a table in MS Excel or a column in XLIFF file so that the text can be easily translated by the clients themselves.

Benefits of this service:

  • Possession of a CAD program is not necessary.
  • Designing skills as well as working knowledge of CAD programs are not necessary.
  • Graphics remain unaffected (only the text is transformed).
  • Saving and storing a Translation Memory for future use on client’s request.
  • Exporting text from images into files in selected formats ( Ms Excel, XLIFF).
  • Optimisation of the list of texts exported to a translating table.
  • Fast and accurate import of texts from files to images.
  • Validation of images (overlap elements, logo display control, etc.)

The service includes:

– Exporting texts from DXF/DWG files.
– Analysing and optimising the content for translators.
– Translating texts.
– Analysing and adjusting translated text before importing it to the original file.
– Importing translated texts to source files.

SAVE MONEY and translate it yourself!

We will charge you only for the export and import of texts (the price depends on the number of images in DXF/DWG formats*) from 20 PLN a piece**

*ATTENTION: discounts possible for larger orders.
* * the price depends on the number of images.

Additionally, by way of our services, clients can order:

  • Format conversion.
  • Validation and correction of source images.

Ask for the price

Please use the form on the page (below) to send us the files containing technical documentation for translation. Within 24 hours we will send you an appraisal created especially for you. Selecting this option ensures not only accuracy, but also comprehensiveness of the appraisal. Along with the translation appraisal, we will send you an analysis of images and a list of additional services connected with the image editing, in which you might be interested.

– Image standardisation
– Error correction.
– Uniformity of fonts.

To send a file simply click on the picture below.


In the concept phase, it was important for us to optimize the conversion as the main element of the translation process.

We have created specific tools and applications that are directly based on the needs of our customers allowing for maximum integration of different applications.

Our range of services is aimed at customers who are interested in purchasing muldrato applications, as well as to customers who decided to outsource translations of CAD drawings.

Do You want to translate CAD documents?

Send them to us, we will do it for You!


If You are interested in other IT Services?

Please Visit our company web page!